*Play this video, before start reading*
The mainstream cinema is out of the comfort zone with Kusturica, as Frank Zappa said "Most people wouldn't know music if it came up and bit them on the ass." But that, I'll extend it to all the art expressions, most of the people play safe, safe is going where the majority goes. Nevertheless the great minds by definition are those which go further, and think out of the box, Kusturica's way is highlighted out of the world.
For all the classic, fancy and pretentious directors; he is a "wolf at the door, a flan on the face"... He manage the aesthetic, the chaos, the ugly, the crazy, the poor and all this elements make a Molotov bomb; that when explodes, surprisingly leaves the essence of beauty and catharsis.
So, keeping up, Arizona Dream is a jewel of modern cinema and one of my favorites, is close to my heart, because from my point of view is about; how crazy each and everyone of us is, how messed up, and how isolated in a private world, with a private language as well. Is exactly there, where the beauty of life remains, and when those isolation collide; it causes a boom in which you see lots of miscommunication, confusion, love, and connection. If as a result of this, we fuck it up, big time, he shows us, that is in our believes, hopes, and convictions; in the core of our private little world, where our strength resides. No matter how flashy the crash with other worlds may look like.
If you haven't seen this film, please do, that's why I wanted to write about it in the first place, because is the best one to get started in Emir Kusturica's world; who's one of my favorite directors as well. Arizona dream is "Kusturica for dummies" so, if is the only Kusturica's you've seen, please keep on... I personally recommend you Underground, (wow, that one is gonna blow your minds, is pure awesomeness).
I love him, maybe because I can relate to him. He is from Sarajevo, one city with all the modern history condensed; with war, with poverty, with very vivid and picturesque stories. Therefore when you live in this kind of environment, you must learn to see the beauty behind all of this. And If you mind happiness; you'll learn as well, that laughing at yourself, and everything that surrounds you, is the way through. I say it with knowledge, because I'm from Colombia, and many unexpected events have happened in my life, so I realize by now that Kusturica's point of view is common to people who live in a difficult environment as Sarajevo, or Bogota. Actually I do believe that he's the only great director, that can deeply understand the complexity of Colombia, and make a brilliant movie, out of stories, like One Hundred Years of Solitude.
I was forgetting something! one of the most important things about his movies; the music; is so freakin' good, so gypsy like, it gives magic to what is visually happening, because is part of his folk, his culture, which he's proud of. Many of his movies have music by Goran_Bregovic, (the first video with which this blog started is his, feat. Iggy Pop). But amazingly Kusturica is also a brilliant musician himself, who's been touring for years all over the world, his band is named: "Emir Kusturica and the No smoking Orchestra"
If John Lennon said "love is the answer and I know it for sure" Kusturica (I think) would say is music and laughter!
Last but not least, I wasn't bluffing when I wrote the title; all that you just read was me, introducing you to Kusturica's epic world, by now you should now that in his movies there's no space for phony, in a shallow way; he is always giving you, pure and raw humanity; people that's struggling and laughing, living from the guts.
And that my friend, is sex in real life, there's no space for shallow beauty, as you may think, good, really good sex, is as cathartic as Kusturica's movies, in which you're flying and enjoying so much, that you don't care anymore about the "how do I look while doing it" but quite better, you'll find that there's a lot of pleasure in letting yourself go. What I'm trying to say, is that if your approach to sex comes from a neat point of view, you'll find yourself doomed to restrain your body, trying to look like barbies and kens, trying to evoke something far from the animal function that sex actually has, this from my point of view resembles directors that are visually speaking pretty good and clean, but the end is empty, and you walk away unfulfilled; those directors didn't manage to give you a movie erection!!!
But if you go, in the opposite direction, and see sex like a way to get pleasure, believe me, you're not gonna look like a model, but who cares? you're gonna have the time of your life, instead! With pleasure as your goal, you can give yourself to whatever you're feeling, to rage, to tenderness, or only God knows what; at the end, after the sweet orgasm everything is full, calm, cathartic. And you get this characteristic smile, that can last for days every time you remember that moment...that's why I chose Kusturica's way, in a very personal way, he gives me a deep sense of pleasure that is quite memorable, like a good fuck!
Watch and learn from the master!