Friday, June 14, 2013

T as text: metalinguisitc circularity and the concreteness of the map-territory relation

Tea as Text: an analysis of 'Is tea the tenet of civilisation' in the light of the negativity of content

Ideology, goes the Nietzchean unacceptable truism, hides and shows itself in Form. Sufficd it to say that the preference for the oblative T sound betrays the author's subjection to the very deadlock he proposes to transpose.

Is tea the tenet of civilisation?

Is there a closer connection between tea and language than previously suspected? Let's consider some basic facts*

1. There are onky two etymological roots for tea: te- and chai-. A testament to the emergence of protoindoeuropeanisch and the imaginary millenarity of the east.

2. The victorian adoption of tea as the mainstay of western social order: both an instrument of sociolinguistic control and conspicuous demonstration of ociosity, in its core ambivalence tea mirrors the long, dark trek of illuminism towards the assymptotic establishment of western consciousness.

Tea: cornerstone of cultural cumulativity or self-aggrandizing imperialistic sham?
Leave your opinions here //link broken//
*for a broad definition of 'fact'